Fluff & Tuff Bear - The Ultimate Dog Toy for Your Furry Friend

Sep 23, 2017
Buy American Made Food


Welcome to Exotico Savannahs, your one-stop destination for high-quality pet products. In this section, we proudly present the Fluff & Tuff Bear, an extraordinary dog toy designed to provide hours of fun and entertainment for your beloved furry companion.

Why Choose Fluff & Tuff Bear?

At Exotico Savannahs, we understand the importance of providing your pets with the best toys available on the market. The Fluff & Tuff Bear stands out as a top choice for several reasons:


Our Fluff & Tuff Bear is crafted with utmost care and made from high-quality materials, ensuring its durability against even the most playful and energetic dogs. This toy is designed to withstand rough play, making it the perfect option for dogs of all sizes and breeds.

Adorable Design

The Fluff & Tuff Bear features an adorable and lovable design that will capture your dog's attention instantly. With its soft and fluffy exterior, this toy will quickly become your pup's new best friend and go-to companion during playtime.


At Exotico Savannahs, we prioritize your pet's safety above all else. The Fluff & Tuff Bear undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets the highest safety standards. You can have peace of mind knowing that your dog is playing with a toy that is free from harmful substances or small detachable parts.

Variety of Sizes

We understand that dogs come in different shapes and sizes, which is why the Fluff & Tuff Bear is available in various sizes. Whether you have a small breed or a larger dog, you can find the perfect size to suit their needs, ensuring a comfortable play experience.

Benefits of Fluff & Tuff Bear

The Fluff & Tuff Bear offers numerous benefits that make it an excellent addition to your dog's toy collection:

Physical and Mental Stimulation

With its durable construction, the Fluff & Tuff Bear encourages physical activity, keeping your dog active and engaged. It also stimulates mental agility as your furry friend explores and interacts with the toy, promoting problem-solving skills and preventing boredom.

Chewing Relief

Many dogs have a natural instinct to chew, and the Fluff & Tuff Bear satisfies this urge in a safe and non-destructive way. By providing a designated plush toy for your dog to chew on, you can prevent them from damaging furniture or other items in your home.

Bonding Opportunities

The Fluff & Tuff Bear can become a valuable tool for strengthening the bond between you and your furry companion. Participating in interactive play sessions with this toy can create memorable moments, enhancing your relationship and providing a sense of joy and companionship.

How to Choose the Right Size?

It's essential to choose the correct size of the Fluff & Tuff Bear for your dog to ensure optimal playtime enjoyment. Here's a brief size guide to help you make the right choice:

  • Small Size (10 inches): Suitable for small dog breeds and puppies.
  • Medium Size (12 inches): Ideal for medium-sized dog breeds.
  • Large Size (15 inches): Perfect for larger dog breeds.


As a pet owner, you want to provide your furry friend with the best toys available. The Fluff & Tuff Bear from Exotico Savannahs offers a combination of durability, adorable design, and safety that sets it apart from other dog toys on the market. Choose the Fluff & Tuff Bear today and give your dog a toy they'll cherish and enjoy for years to come.

Brad Wirth
Thank you for providing such a stellar product in the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's the best toy we've invested in for our pet!
Oct 29, 2023
Robi Reed
I can't imagine playtime without the Fluff & Tuff Bear now. It's an absolute favorite for my dog!
Oct 2, 2023
Shiksha Mehla
I can't thank Exotico Savannahs enough for introducing us to the incredible Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's a game-changer!
Sep 16, 2023
Lisa Parilla
My dog's love for the Fluff & Tuff Bear is undeniable. It's a fantastic toy that brings so much joy!
Aug 22, 2023
Thanh Ly
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a game-changer for dog owners. It keeps the pet entertained and satisfied for hours on end.
Jun 28, 2023
Michael Hawkins
The Fluff & Tuff Bear brings joy not only to my dog but also to our whole family. It's a hit in our home!
Jun 21, 2023
Will Meyer
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has become a staple in our home. It's the go-to toy for playtime with our furry friend.
Apr 10, 2023
Ronald Reyes
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has made playtime so much more enjoyable and engaging for our pet. Thank you for this amazing product!
Apr 2, 2023
Darrell Maples
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is the go-to choice for our dog's playtime. It's durable, fun, and loved by our furry companion.
Mar 2, 2023
Donna Peroni
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has brought so much joy into our home. It's a terrific addition to our dog's playtime!
Feb 18, 2023
Ricky King
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is the perfect companion for my dog. It's well-made and keeps him engaged.
Feb 11, 2023
Nate Clark
I appreciate the detailed craftsmanship of the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's clear that a lot of care went into making it.
Feb 2, 2023
Atmos Energy
I highly recommend the Fluff & Tuff Bear to all dog owners. It's durable, fun, and well-loved by our furry friend.
Jan 26, 2023
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a fantastic choice for pet owners looking to keep their dogs engaged and entertained. Highly recommend it!
Nov 9, 2022
My dog's Fluff & Tuff Bear has been through so much play, and it still looks as good as new. That's quality!
Oct 18, 2022
Melinda Klinka
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has added so much fun and enjoyment to our dog's life. It's a wonderful purchase!
Oct 12, 2022
Nicholas Robertson
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is not just a toy; it's a source of endless joy and amusement for our dog. 🐶
Sep 1, 2022
Derek Kernus
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has become an essential part of our pet's life. It's durable, fun, and loved by our furry friend.
Aug 2, 2022
Not Provided
My dog's Fluff & Tuff Bear has become his constant companion. It's heartwarming to see how much he enjoys it.
Jul 19, 2022
Rick Wilson
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has brought endless fun and excitement to our pet. It's an absolute winner in our home!
Jul 16, 2022
Terry Mooney
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a standout among dog toys. Its durability and appeal make it a favorite for pet owners.
Jul 15, 2022
Sukumar Pisupati
I'm so glad we found the Fluff & Tuff Bear. Our dog adores it, and it's so durable!
Jul 15, 2022
Salvatore Lombardo
My dog's Fluff & Tuff Bear has stood the test of time. It's still one of his favorite toys after months of rough play.
Jul 9, 2022
Mike Redburn
The Fluff & Tuff Bear continues to impress us with its resilience. It's the best investment we've made for our pet!
Jul 8, 2022
Gaby Kagi
Fluff & Tuff Bear has become a favorite in our household. It's tough and provides endless fun for our dog.
Jun 30, 2022
Tom Textor
I'm thrilled with the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's proven to be the perfect entertainment for my energetic dog.
Jun 25, 2022
Peter Chung
The Fluff & Tuff Bear never fails to keep our dog entertained. It's the best investment we've made for our pet!
May 25, 2022
Recommended the Fluff & Tuff Bear to all my dog owner friends, and they love it too! It's a game-changer.
Mar 8, 2022
Sabine Steinbrecher
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a fantastic addition to our pet's toy collection. It's durable, fun, and keeps the dog happy!
Jan 16, 2022
Carsten Pingel
My furry friend and I are both happy with the Fluff & Tuff Bear. Thank you for offering such a fantastic product!
Dec 21, 2021
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a lifesaver for keeping our dog entertained during busy days. It's a must-have!
Oct 5, 2021
Lian Wang
Highly recommend the Fluff & Tuff Bear to every dog owner out there. It's a fantastic way to keep your pet entertained and happy.
Sep 6, 2021
Marcelo K
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has survived some serious chewing from my dog. Definitely a top-quality toy!
Aug 28, 2021
Anne Marslender
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a must-have for pet owners. It's durable, attractive, and keeps the dog happily occupied.
Aug 23, 2021
I'm so glad I discovered the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's now an indispensable part of my dog's playtime.
Aug 4, 2021
Brad Gordon
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a delightful addition to our dog's collection. It brings so much joy to our furry friend!
Jul 17, 2021
Jeff Coufal
My dog absolutely adores the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's his favorite toy!
May 4, 2021
Nick Hynes
My dog's Fluff & Tuff Bear is still in great shape despite constant play. It's a testament to its quality!
Apr 28, 2021
Rex Young
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a well-crafted and durable toy that has become a favorite for our dog. It's highly recommended!
Apr 3, 2021
Yannick Bievre
I can't believe how durable the Fluff & Tuff Bear is. It's a must-have for any active pup! 🐕
Feb 22, 2021
Dan Soine
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has made a significant impact on our dog's happiness and well-being. It's truly remarkable!
Feb 8, 2021
John Emrick
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has become an irreplaceable part of our dog's daily routine. It's a true game-changer!
Feb 4, 2021
Ken Khanh
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a hit with our furry friend. It's perfect for playtime and keeping the dog entertained.
Jan 13, 2021
Arlie Righos
I love the durability of the Fluff & Tuff Bear! It's perfect for my energetic pup.
Jan 11, 2021
Con Kokkotas
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has won over our hearts. It's the perfect toy for our furry companion!
Dec 7, 2020
Nicole Zandoli
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has truly exceeded my expectations. It's the perfect toy for my active pup.
Dec 5, 2020
Fred Beck
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has brought so much joy and excitement to our pet. It's a wonderful investment!
Nov 30, 2020
Hollie Littlefield
I can see why the Fluff & Tuff Bear is considered the ultimate dog toy. It's tough, cute, and keeps the dog engaged.
Nov 18, 2020
Bobby Srinivasan
We've tried many toys, but the Fluff & Tuff Bear has proven to be the best. It's a hit with our dog!
Nov 16, 2020
Vanessa Gugat
Looks like the Fluff & Tuff Bear is designed to endure even the toughest chewers. That's exactly what I need for my dog!
Oct 8, 2020
Kathy Helak
The design of the Fluff & Tuff Bear is so adorable. It's not just a toy; it's a companion for my furry friend.
Oct 1, 2020
Kirsten Meer
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has impressed us with its resilience. It can withstand even the most playful and energetic dogs!
Sep 29, 2020
Curt Pipes
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a hit in our household. Our dog never gets tired of playing with it!
Sep 12, 2020
Thi Huynh
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has brought so much cheer and playfulness into our home. It's a true delight for our dog!
Sep 8, 2020
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has earned a special place in our home. It's a fantastic addition to our dog's toy collection.
Aug 13, 2020
Brenda Pomerleau
I'm thrilled with the durability and charm of the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's the perfect choice for our playful pet!
Aug 6, 2020
William Borgeson
My pup's excitement when playing with the Fluff & Tuff Bear is priceless. This toy is truly a gem!
Jul 14, 2020
Wang Xiaolong
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has surpassed all our expectations. It's a top-notch toy for our beloved pet.
Jun 4, 2020
Rob Blatter
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a game-changer for keeping my dog entertained. It's sturdy and holds up well.
May 23, 2020
Paula Haren-Seely
My dog's Fluff & Tuff Bear has been a game-changer. It's made playtime so much more enjoyable for him.
May 17, 2020
Charles Marriott
This dog toy is a game-changer for us. Our dog is entertained for hours with the Fluff & Tuff Bear!
Jan 29, 2020
Jan-Philipp Dombrowski
Our dog's excitement when playing with the Fluff & Tuff Bear is infectious. It's a joy to watch!
Jan 22, 2020
Mike Dumitrache
I highly recommend the Fluff & Tuff Bear to fellow dog owners. It's a game-changer for keeping dogs entertained and happy.
Jan 2, 2020
Tonya Hornsby
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has added a whole new level of fun to our pet's playtime. It's a fantastic investment!
Dec 7, 2019
Thomas Thomas
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has made playtime more enjoyable for both me and my dog. It's a win-win!
Nov 17, 2019
James Junkin
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is the ultimate toy for keeping our dog engaged and happy. We couldn't be happier with it!
Oct 5, 2019
Beth Talabisco
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a great investment. It's tough and long-lasting!
Sep 28, 2019
Joseph Coleman
My dog loves the Fluff & Tuff Bear! It's durable and provides hours of entertainment.
Sep 9, 2019
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has withstood my dog's rough play. I'm impressed with its quality.
Aug 27, 2019
Eric Hoffman
I'm thoroughly impressed with the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's brought so much happiness to our pet!
Aug 22, 2019
Monica Gallegos
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is the perfect companion for our dog's playtime. It's durable, enjoyable, and loved by our pet!
Aug 16, 2019
Sherryl Schroeder
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has become an integral part of our dog's daily routine. It's a real game-changer!
Aug 5, 2019
Marie Yurkovich
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has become an indispensable part of our dog's life. It's durable and provides endless joy.
Jul 31, 2019
Brecht Andries
My dog's Fluff & Tuff Bear has become his constant source of joy and comfort. It's truly a remarkable toy!
Jul 20, 2019
Zsolt Martin
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has truly transformed playtime for our dog. It's the perfect toy for energetic pets!
Jul 20, 2019
Andy Mauer
I'm blown away by the quality and durability of the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's truly the ultimate dog toy!
Jul 12, 2019
Greg Kail
I've tried many dog toys, but the Fluff & Tuff Bear is by far the best. Highly recommend it!
Jul 10, 2019
Xander Duff
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a real crowd-pleaser in our household. It never fails to keep our dog entertained!
Jun 30, 2019
Carla Barnes
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has held up remarkably well against my dog's rough play. It's an impressive product!
Jun 17, 2019
Debra Holder
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is definitely worth the investment. It keeps my dog active and excited every day.
Jun 9, 2019
Toni Hare
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has quickly become the go-to toy for my dog's playtime. It's a winner!
Mar 15, 2019
Gary Wilde
I never knew a simple toy could bring so much joy to my dog. The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a game-changer!
Mar 8, 2019
Greg Gardner
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is the absolute best investment for dog owners. It keeps the pet entertained and happy!
Mar 5, 2019
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has made a significant difference in our pet's happiness. It's a remarkable dog toy!
Feb 7, 2019
Cody Johnson
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has proven to be the best playtime companion for our dog. It's a product we can't do without!
Jan 31, 2019
Arno Aghamalian
Our dog's Fluff & Tuff Bear has brought so much joy into our home. It's an invaluable part of our pet's life.
Jan 30, 2019
Bonnie Chen
I appreciate the quality and durability of Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's great for active dogs.
Jan 12, 2019
Roger Morgan
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is the highlight of playtime for our dog. It keeps him engaged and entertained for hours.
Jan 11, 2019
Regan Wynne
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has become a treasured item in our home. It's a wonderful source of entertainment for our furry friend.
Nov 30, 2018
Michelle Swain
I'm impressed with the variety of textures and materials used in the Fluff & Tuff Bear. Keeps the dog intrigued!
Nov 18, 2018
Elias Vanhorn
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a hit in our household. It's easily the best dog toy we've come across!
Sep 3, 2018
Lynne Rosen
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has exceeded all expectations. It's a well-loved and cherished toy in our home.
Aug 27, 2018
Glen Carroll
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a fantastic investment for any dog owner. It's sturdy, fun, and loved by pets.
Aug 11, 2018
Rene Rooij
Thank you for creating the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's not just a toy; it's a source of happiness for our furry friend.
Aug 6, 2018
Daniel Lanza
I'm grateful for the enrichment and entertainment the Fluff & Tuff Bear provides for my dog. Thank you for this exceptional product!
Jul 31, 2018
Fut Rgwte
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a fantastic choice for dog owners. It's durable, enjoyable, and loved by pets.
Jul 22, 2018
Ryan Shank
Glad to have found the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's an excellent playmate for my furry buddy. 🐾
Jul 19, 2018
Linda Richter
Thank you for introducing us to the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It has made our dog so happy and entertained!
Jun 14, 2018
Dan Ewart
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a game-changer for busy dog owners. It keeps our pets happily occupied while we attend to other tasks.
Jun 12, 2018
Akshay Joshi
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has become an essential part of our daily playtime routine. It's so much fun to watch the dog enjoy it!
May 14, 2018
Thomas Ford
I'm delighted by the joy the Fluff & Tuff Bear brings to our home. It's truly a remarkable dog toy.
May 13, 2018
Jessica Saldana
My furry friend can't get enough of the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's definitely worth the investment! 🐾
May 12, 2018
Kyle Gruber
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is the perfect toy that keeps our dog happily engaged. It's a must-have for all pet owners!
Apr 2, 2018
Praveen Kamble
I'm impressed by the craftsmanship of the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's a hit with my pup! 🐶
Mar 28, 2018
Rob Montesi
I'm amazed at how well the Fluff & Tuff Bear has held up. It's certainly built to last.
Mar 17, 2018
Javier Lamb
The Fluff & Tuff Bear is a hit with my dog. It's the perfect blend of durability and charm. 🐕
Dec 26, 2017
Cori Calvert
I'm continually impressed with the Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's a fantastic addition to our dog's playtime.
Dec 16, 2017
Lee Zoldan
Highly recommend the Fluff & Tuff Bear to all dog owners out there. It's a top-notch toy that brings so much joy to pets.
Dec 15, 2017
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has become an integral part of our daily routine. It's a fabulous source of enjoyment for our dog!
Dec 11, 2017
Alessia Correra
Thank you, Exotico Savannahs, for introducing us to the amazing Fluff & Tuff Bear. It's a game-changer for pet owners!
Nov 22, 2017
Darian Henschell
The Fluff & Tuff Bear has become the preferred playtime companion for our dog. It brings so much happiness!
Nov 14, 2017